Eliza Emmett
A Love Made to Measure
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https://amzn.to/2LI0URJ (Amazon)
https://bit.ly/2LWttHK (Barnes and Noble)
https://bit.ly/2JVtdXW (The Wild Rose Press)

"Grant Galavyin wasn’t a conniving man. He was usually weary of schemers [...]. But he had to confess he had connived a bit, just this time."

"Cora opened the shop and, realizing several notions were missing, decided to brave the streets, despite the weather, in search of threads and special shell buttons for fastening a neckline. She had found her work lacking anyway, often interrupted by thoughts of that strange man whom she might never see again."

"She had been a student of men’s frailties for a long time. She had catalogued the nuances of their behaviors, making sure to note the ones she could influence the most."

"Addy let out a gasp. Then she clapped her hands and took a twirl. Grant thought her spontaneity made her look like a girl despite her already being the mother of two children of her own."